A professional footballer needs to portray the highest level of fitness and robustness. He is required to go through exhausting training sessions, practice matches and other related activities as well. How can he perform in the best possible manner if the energy requirement is not fulfilled? For a footballer, the value of EER (estimated energy requirement) matters the most. It highlights the number of calories he has to consume to accomplish all sporting goals.
The most effective EER calculation method
How can a professional footballer keep a track of the EER values without going through any hassle? Using a good calculator is the most effective way to keep a track of things. This tool is a free option through which the EER value can be instantly determined. Here are some other points which show why using an automated application is the most convenient EER calculation method.
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· No need to have advanced knowledge of EER equations
It is a fact that a professional mathematician would most likely not have a lot of knowledge related to mathematics. In addition to that, it would be hard for him to take out loads of time and determine EER manually. The use of an EER calculator does not involve any such steps for which advanced technical knowledge is needed. Footballers can get the accurate measures in less than a minute. For a professional footballer, keeping a check on the EER value is not a one-time process that does not have to be repeated. In order to keep the performance levels under check, these sportsmen have to calculate it every now and then.
· Help provided through an EER rating chart
To perform at the highest level, you cannot afford to check things manually. This is where an EER rating calculator comes into play. It provides highlights of different levels that a footballer can follow. It provides a comparison between the physical activity level and corresponding calories that that should be consumed. In simple terms, EER is all about striking a balance between the calories consumed and the schedule that a person has. The most important parameter in this case is the physical activity level that a person follows. It helps in selecting the correct dieting options. With the EER rating chart, you can prevent over consumption of calories as well. For a footballer, increase of weight can prove to be a huge challenge and even end his career.
A dependable EER calculator is the easiest way to get accurate EER results
When you have to perform a task, the first thing you need to do is keep a check on the time needed. There is more than one method available to complete the requirements of EER calculation. You can opt for the lengthy procedure of using the formula, inserting values and then determining the answer. This is the conventional option that can be used. However, professional footballers would not have the time to go through so much. For them, a quicker option would work better. This is where, the option to use an online tool for EER calculation comes into play.
- Let us start with comparison of time frames. Even if you are expert at learning formulae and understanding them, determining EER would still require a lengthy span. Someone who plays professional footballer would find it impossible to go through these stages. In addition to that, considering the current tech dominated era, using a manual EER calculation method is not wise planning. With a good calculator, you would be able to complete the same task in minutes. Hence, a long span of time will be saved.
- Using an EER calculator is not a tough ask by any means. The knowledge related to mathematics an individual has does not make any difference. The tool is very simple and anyone can use to get correct EER values in less than a minute. Accuracy is another plus point that these tools offer. As compared to normal people living through a standard routine, correct EER values are a lot more important for footballers.
Their performance levels go down when the calorie intake is more or less than the recommended limit. Hence, they cannot afford to take any risks with accuracy. Using a good EER calculator is a much better way than manual calculations to get correct values. Professional sportsmen do not have the time to double check values so using a dedicated software is the best way out for them.
Relation between successful football careers and EER values
There is a direct relation between how successful the career of a footballer is and the diet that he takes. Having a proper diet plan is very much mandatory for sportsmen. Players that do not follow an accurate Calculate EER nutrition chart fail to prolong their professional career. Such professionals either end up with permanent injuries or do not stay fit for a long time. When the quality of performance goes downhill, they eventually have to retire.
- Accurate EER values help players in progressing better. When they know what and when to eat, excelling at the highest level does not remain a problem. In a nutshell, using reputed EER calculation tools help players maintaining the highest standards of health.
Summing it Up
The accurate EER (Estimated Energy Requirement) is a very important factor for every individual particularly people who play professional football. Through EER, they get to know about the calorie count that has to be taken in every 24 hours. Overconsumption can have a negative impact as it would increase the weight of the individual. Similarly, if a player consumes lesser calories than needed, his energy level would go down and his physical activities would not be completed.
Using a quality calculator is the simplest method of EER calculation that does not involve any kind of stress. You do not have to sit down with a paper and determine results. These calculators do not cost anything which acts as a big plus point. Professional footballers can use them as many times as they need to and determine EER values.