Paul Pogba has reportedly quit international football following racist comments made by France president Emmanuel Macron.
Pogba, according to reports made the decision after the shocking comments by Macron as well as government recent honouring of a teacher who mocked the prophet, Muhammad.
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The dramatic chain of events for the 2018 FIFA World Cup winner comes after the beheading of a school teacher Samuel Paty, which Macron described as an ‘Islamic terrorist attack’.
He also added: “Unity and firmness are the only answers to the monstrosity of Islamist terrorism.”
It’s believed that Pogba was highly offended by the comments made in the media as a French Muslim and has now opted to step down from representing Le Blues.
Why don’t you quit French nationality all together make we know say u dy serious?? France don make you somebody u come dy misbehave. If u ain’t cool with their new laws to protect their own heritage, u can return to your country of origin and feel comfortable there . Iran or Saudi Arabia would never change their laws to suit non moslems. The French govt has done the right thing to protect their heritage otherwise things would get out of hand.
And ur reply to the above post has depicted your level of stupidity and hatred to see beyond ur imagination. Quitting the national team in protest of something he’s not cool with shouldn’t be addressed along religious line but rather conscience. People like you are the ones causing problem even in Nigeria. Citing Saudi is an example is a good thing, can u make reference to a case where the christians are denied their rights or their religion mocked by the Saudi authority?
Christianity is not tolerated in any Islamic country. You can not go out there in Iraq holding the Bible in your hands openly and preach the gospel. You will be massacred. Same goes for Saudi. Why should Christian countries do the same? If Pogba wants to deny French cos of this comments which I don’t see as offensive, he should not waste time
Where can u mention in any part of the civilized world or developed nation where the Gospel is being preached in public like it is being done in Nigeria and other some African countries? That’s public nuisance. You can’t disturb the peace of the people by putting a speaker early in the morning or late at night all in the name of praise and worship, calling people to Gospel or Vigil. Let’s do away with sentiment, can you mention a country among the Islamic countries where the rights of christians are being denied? Do so pls asap
But your mosques can put loud speakers on early in the morning to disturb people’s sleep all in the name of calling for prayers?
Is there any church in Saudi Arabia
Ahh…. “Holy malam”… You sound very much like a terrorist. Sorry sir, france can’t and would never be a breeding ground for terrorists or islamic fundamentalists in Europe. U can carry your terror group and look elsewhere. Don’t let me descend on you abeg, just mind your lane. Miserable terrorist.
Thanks, your first statement has given me the impression on the type of person you are. I need not to drag myself into mud. Go get life by reading wide, travelling wide and being a person of rationale thinking and you will understand what life entails.
Guy read the law of any islamic state it’s always fair man in as much as u can’t do anything for the entire masses then our loyalty is nothing to u and mind u he build himself and france never mad him who he is today
Really? Re-read what you just wrote
True talk @ Oakfield. Honestly Pogba should have long proven his stand by representing his country of origin. This is just a show of warped mindset.
I’m telling u glory Its very absurd. Does he expect the French team to beg him? Never! There is a plot to islamize Europe and if these people are not dealt with judicially and otherwise, Europe would become unsafe 4everybody including him(pogba). He should just go and sit down!
True talk. They beheaded someone and the government tightens things, he resigns. He’s a joker. Let him move to Turkey, Iran or Saudi Arabia where he can live like a fanatic. Mtcheeew.
What are we doing on the packing plot to islamize Nigeria?
I am sorry because there are many wonderful, good intentioned muslims in the world but unfortunately few muslim extremists here and there give them bad name. So sorry about that. I encourage muslims to also take a look at some disturbing contents of the qur’an with the intention of changing some things. Qur’an has many lovely wonderful verses but these extremists quote some parts that incite violence as justification for their evils. Bible also has some chapters that advocate violence but we outrightly disown them. I encourage good muslims all over the world to revisit some of those verses so that these criminals will stop invoking a holy religion as a front for causing havoc.
Bible does not preach violence and no verse incites violence.We preach peace and live in peace that’s the ways of Jesus Christ our only saviour
He is referring to the Old Testaments and the permission to shed the blood of the enemies of God granted to the Israelites at that time.That era of that was phased off with the advent of Christ
This goes in consonance with our English foreign born players choosing to play for England today. Then, when in the coming days, months, or years, they starts suffering racial discrimination, they will start crying out, denouncing England while expecting everyone of us to support them. That to me is selfish and very fake. Irrespective of the number of years you may have spent in a foreign Land, your country of origin must remains first. Its always going to be the case of Joseph in Egypt but forever an Israelite; using the benefits garnered in the foreign land to better your country of origin. Its absolute foolishness/self deceit to start assuming you are now one with the indigenous foreign citizens but can only remain grateful to God Almighty for the opportunities such foreign countries avail you with. If you not happy with their laws or way of doing things, you have the luxury of your country of origin to relocate back to or as for Pogba, there are loads of far wealthier Islamic country to relocate to. Truth be told, if I was a Moslem, nothing will make me wanna come live in places like France, England, UsA, etc, when there are places like DUbai, Saudi Arabia etc flowing with Milk N honey.
Chaii….its a pity that France is not like Naija that Indidi’s absence had effect in our games.
Rabbiot, Nzonzi, Sissoko, Matuidi…..over to you.
So, its millions of French citizens that should suffer for your president’s offence? Una do well.
Come here cone see the way we dey attack Ogu wey say naija players should boycott football matches cos of our leaders’ foolishness.
I’d France can win world cup without Banzema, Ribery and even Nasry then who’s pogba?
“Unity and firmness are the only answers to the monstrosity of Islamist terrorism.”
_ Macron.
Is Pogba in support of “islamist terrorism?”
Very stupid guy, he can join ISIS national team who cares, a potential terrorist. France should flush them out to Arab countries, so they can enjoy their religion with their holy brothers. Fighting for a religion that forbids tolerance, Is there any Arab countries that gives permanent residence or citizenship to Africans?
When the Turkish president said macron should go and check his head over his actions in ongoing event, the French president quickly recalled his ambassador to turkey in protest. Yet the same macron is saying its freedom of speech for a classroom teacher to abuse the prophet of Islam. Why can’t he swallow what was thrown at him in the name of freedom of speech???!
CSN should remove this report now, pogba has debunked the report and He promised to take a legal action against the english tabloid that publish this fake news or CSN want to wait until they serve them a court order abi?
cyriels dessers replaced paul onuachu and in five minutes he assisted for genk second goal this night…..baller